Quran Reading Course is your first step toward master learning Qur’an and enjoying reciting the verses feeling the beauty of the meaning. Reading Qur’an for Non-Arab Muslims is a pure dream to achieve and we aim to help you to reach your dream and read Qur’an fluently and perfectly which will affect your spirit and your happiness in life. In addition, a Quran Reading Course will be your way to worship Allah well and get rewards as well.

Learning how to Read Quran is a necessity for every Muslim; Arabs and Non-Arabs; it is an individual obligation.

The prophet encouraged us to Learn Reading Quran properly; “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that ‘Alif, Laam, Meem’ is one letter, rather ‘Alif’ is a letter, ‘Laam’ is a letter and ‘Meem’ is a letter.”

The Rewards Of Learning to Read the Quran

In addition, you will get rewards even if you still learning to read Quran, the rewards are not only for skilled readers, they are for those who don’t know how to read well too. So we here in this course, have a precious goal to help you read Qur’an fluently and get rewarded through this journey. As the prophet said” Verily the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.”

Start this journey with us!

Quran Reading Courses

Therefore, we call you to start this journey with us. Let’s learn what will you get and achieve through our Quran Reading Course. Our Quran Reading Course is for all from kids to adults and there are many classes; you and your family member as a group or even an individual class if wanted. Kid Reading Course is designed by professional tutors educated and skilled to train the kids on how to read with fun and joy to love reading Quran. It is a great mission to live with Quran and raise your kids by Quran.

With our Quran Reading For Adults Course, you will learn:

  • Letters forms
  • Arabic diacritics
  • Vowels
  • Simple rules of Reading
  • Sukkun
  • Consonants
  • Shaddah
  • Tanween
  • Arabic Letters and Phonetics
  • Al-Madd – Lengthening
  • Learning when to Stop reading or continue
  • Characteristics of the Quranic writing

With our Quran Reading For Adults Course, you will learn:

  • Letters forms
  • Arabic diacritics
  • Vowels
  • Simple rules of Reading
  • Sukkun
  • Consonants
  • Shaddah
  • Tanween
  • Arabic Letters and Phonetics
  • Al-Madd – Lengthening
  • Learning when to Stop reading or continue
  • Characteristics of the Quranic writing

You will be provided with Listening and Reading Materials for Quran, the tutors will guide you well through your reading course journey to be a master in Reading Quran and get Allah’s rewards.

By the end of this course, You will be able to read Quran well enough from The Holy Book and you can proceed to the next level, which is a Tajweed Learning Course if desired. You could also go for Tarteel Ijazah “Reciting Ijazah”. It is time to go for your dream and Read Quran without difficulty, Book our Course now online and quickly within your budget, needs, and requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions about Quran Reading

Yes, reading the Quran on a mobile phone is allowed in Islam. There is a fatwa (religious edict) issued by the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Sheikh Shawki Allam, which states that it is permissible to read the Quran on a mobile phone or any other electronic device. The fatwa says that the Quran is the word of Allah and it is sacred, no matter what material it is written on.

The Quran is read from right to left, just like the Arabic language. It is also read from beginning to end, just like any other book. However, there are some specific rules and etiquette that Muslims follow when reading the Quran.