Memorizing the holy book of Allah “Quran” is a blessing to improve your life spiritually and physically. You may wonder why Quran Memorization is important for Muslim life in Dunyah and Jannah. Let me encourage you to learn more and then start memorizing the Quran immediately.
Quran Memorization will link you directly with Allah’s message and decrees and you will be able to understand life better and live it peacefully. You will be able also to communicate well inside the community when you follow Allah’s decrees in Quran that govern how people should deal with each other’s. Furthermore, Quran memorization benefits exceed this life to the hereafter “Jannah”.
In other words, As the prophet said, the one who memorizes Quran Allah told him to recite and rise. In addition, he will be among the best people in Jannah the Righteous.
Moreover, besides ascending high ranks in Jannah, you will be made to wear the crown of honor, just like our Beloved Prophet Said, and then the Prophet will ask Allah to rise you more, ‘Oh Lord! Increase him!’ So you the person, who is memorizing the Quran will be made to wear the garment of honour. Therefore, we here concern a lot about Quran Memorization Course for gaining rewards in Dunyah and Jannah.
Our Quran Memorization Course aims to enable you to memorize Quran perfectly and quickly.
We designed a variety of Quran Memorization Courses that suit every Muslim young & old and male & female, with a good memorization ability or not. We design the best techniques to help you memorize Quran and read it by heart.
Find out what you learn in our Quran Memorization Course:
First, there are different categories; Kid’s Quran Memorization Course, Adult Quran Memorization Course, Individual Course, or Group Course.
Starting with Kid’s Quran Memorization Course; Your kid will learn by listening and repeating, we connect the kid with Quran verses through stories, simple understanding, and rewards to love memorizing Quran and accept the Quran as a Life-Style Approach.
As the Adults Memorizing Course is more advanced, we follow 4 techniques to memorize quickly and effectively. There are many programs to fit your memorizing ability you will decide how many verses or surah to memorize with a reasonable period.
The Adults Quran Memorization Content:
By the end of this course, you will live with Qur’an and will be able to read Quran by heart, worshipping and praying with your memorizing verses as desired. You will have a Certificate that ensures you complete this course successfully.
There is still more!
You could ask for Ijazah or instead, you could go for Quran Competition and represent us perfectly. If you feel motivated and love to learn with us, it is time to start this spiritual beautiful journey with us. Book now online.