Learn Quran with Tajweed

Learn Quran with Tajweed

Do you ever listen to Quran by a professional Qari’ and wish to master Quran like him or her? If your answer is positive, this article is absolutely for you. Keep reading to learn what is tajweed, why is it important to learn, how to learn, and many more! Let’ start this beautiful journey!

What is tajweed? We will talk here about the Tajweed definition

Tajweed is derived from the Arabic word “Jawad” to improve, beautify and make it better. In other words, it means to recite Quran beautifully with its rules of pronunciation and to give each letter its true characteristic with the right manner of articulations “Siffat” and to pronounce each letter from its place of emission “Makharij”. 

Tajweed is also the science of Quranic reading, in other words, we can consider it as the Grammer of the Quran which governs the way you read the Quran better and professionally.

In addition, as the Quran is the words of Allah and the message revealed upon our beloved prophet Mohammed; we should read and recite with Tajweed the same way prophet Mohamed read it properly.

Tajweed could be also summarized in the knowledge and application of reading the Quran by its true recitation rules.

You may still not imagine how important to learn how to read Quran with Tajweed! But let me enlighten you. Quran is the last divine book that guides us toward the right path and it is also the message of Allah to mankind to learn how to behave, live, interact and deal with each other properly.

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Many verses and hadith are telling us how important to learn Quran with Tajweed; 73:4: “…and recite the Qur’an with measured recitation. This means to recite slowly, perfectly and precisely.

“The Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him said: One who was devoted to the Qur’an will be told to recite, ascend and recite carefully as he recited carefully when he was in the world, for he will reach his abode when he comes to the last verse he recites (Sunan Abi Dawud 1464).”

“Qatadah said: I asked Anas about the recitation of the Qur’an by the Prophet, peace, and blessings be upon him. He said: He used to express all the long accents clearly (Sunan Abi Dawud 1465). 

Why every Muslim Should Learn Quran with Tajweed! Let’s learn!

Quran is not like any other book, and thanks to the Arabic language with its beautiful meaning and pronunciation, Quran will be always kept away from any alteration or modification.

Therefore, every Muslim whether Arabic speaker or Non-Arabic Speaker should learn to read Quran with Tajweed in Arabic to preserve its originality and to feel its beauty.

Due to the open world, the Arabs and foreigners with Non-Arabic tongues, Quran with Tajweed is the way to keep our ears always listen Quran in proper Arabic.

Another reason you should learn Quran with Tajweed is not to sin, in other words, As tajweed is the science to beautify and improve your reading properly, with tajweed, you will never change the sound of letters, you will never replace a letter like س with another like ص or you never read an entire word or verse wrong without the right diacritics.

This means if you did recite the Quranic verse wrong you will change the entire meaning and this would mean to sin; no one will love to do that.

You may also read the Quran without Tajweed rules but without changing the meaning; you will never commit a sin but you will miss the sunnah; to recite and read properly as the prophet did. And we all as Muslims love to live with the prophet Sunnah. 

The best reason for the ones who have a great voice is that they will enjoy reciting Quran with Tajweed, understanding the proper meaning, feel the beauty of the Quranic verse, and Allah’s decrees and mercy upon us. 

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Learn Quran with a native speaker who understands how to teach Quran in an easy and fun way.

A Useful tips to help you to learn Quran with Tajweed;

Now it is time to start your educational journey to learn Quran with Tajweed. There are many tips and pieces of advice here to help you with that.

First, you should have the proper “Mushaf” Quran book with Tajweed; colourful words and lines to learn Tajweed. This Mushaf will help you along your educational Tajweed Journey.

Second, Tajweed is the Quranic Science so you need a Tajweed teacher to help you learn Quran professionally. You may love to consider Quranic apps with Tajweed like:

 Learn Quran Tajwid https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bi.learnquran

Tajweed Quran https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mz.studios

And many more you can find on your apps store. 

But, the basic way of learning with a teacher is the best. Online tajweed courses are your alternative to learning the Quran with Tajweed with a teacher and experiencing the comfort of e-learning.

In addition, you will be able to adjust the course schedule according to your favourite timing and with your favourite teacher as well. never forget, your kids also are your best investment in this life, you should teach them well everything life science and Quran and Islamic science as well. 

Best Source to learn Quran with Tajweed is ONLINE COURSES!

Online courses provides also Tajweed for kids with funny materials and innovative methods to make them love Quran and understand it well.

whether you and your kids will learn Quran with Tajweed by Professional native Arabic teachers with Noorani Qa’ada which is the best way to learn Tajweed easily for kids and non-Arabs.

During the Online Courses, you will learn everything till mastering reciting the Quran like a professional Qari’ from Noon and Meen rules and Thickness and Thinness to Mad Rules, Manners of articulation, and Lam rules. 

Check online to choose your best academy; Our El Sabah Center is one of the professional academies available out there to help you during your Journey to learn Quran with your family. We provide everything you may wish for from Adult to Kids Courses by Numerous skilled tutor who are there for you.


At last, when it comes to learning Quran professionally, in general, and with Tajweed, in particular, all you need is to be patient, have a pure intention, and pray daily for Allah’s support to make your learning journey easy and fruitful. Wish you a Rewarding Journey. 

Get a FREE Quran lesson online with a talented teacher

Learn Quran with a native speaker who understands how to teach Quran in an easy and fun way.

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