How to Learn Quran Online

How to learn Quran

Quran is the divine book that guides us to the right path and enriches our life with morals and peace. Quran has a great impact on everyone’s hearts whether you are Arabic native Speakers or not. All you need is to learn Quran to feel the greatness of this noble book and to live your life happily and easily as well.

You may wonder why learning Quran is that important! the importance of the Quran consists in being the message sent to us from Allah bestowed on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), learning Quran also helps us to understand Islam and Allah’s decrees, in addition, Quran is our way to many rewards as our beloved Prophet said:

“The best amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.” And He also said: ‘Allah has His own people among mankind.’ They said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who are they?’ He said: ‘The people of the Qur’an, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.'” and the ultimate reward is to get your place in Paradise. I think you could now feel how important to learn Quran and get the Almighty’s acceptance and guidance.

Let’s, begin this wonderful journey to help you know how to learn Quran, especially, via online platforms. the first step you should take as a Non-Arabic Speaker through this action is to get your copy of the Quran whether you want a hard copy or an online copy. Whatever version you choose keep in mind to get it with translation and simple Tafseer to make your learning mission easier. For an online version of the Holy Quran, I highly recommended this site “” you may love to try.

Get a FREE Quran lesson online with a talented teacher

Learn Quran with a native speaker who understands how to teach Quran in an easy and fun way.

What are the benefits that encourage you to learn Quran online?

Learning Quran Online has many pros to make your learning journey easier and faster. Online learning saves your time and money, you will be able to set the best appointment for your courses as desired, in addition, you will be setting freely on your couch enjoying your Quran Learning online so there is no money to spend on transportations or even snacks.

What else! You will have the accessibility to choosing your favourite tutor with who you feel comfortable. Moreover, online classes keep your privacy and security. The best is the security, especially, for your kids, every parent always feels afraid that any harm may occur to their beloved kids, therefore, teaching the kids Quran online is safe and easy, and you will keep always your eyes on your kids. 

If you are worried about the courses fees before starting, this is not an issue anymore. The majority of the Quran learning platforms offer free trials before booking for your dream course. These free trails enable you to be sure about the tutor your need, the course your desire, and eliminate any doubts you may have deep inside. Moreover, each online learning platform provides reasonable prices and many offers to pay according to your budgets and easy instalments plans.

What are the available Courses when Learning Quran Online?

The next step here is to learn what to expect to learn when checking the variety of online Quran platforms available online. The online courses out there are versatile and useful for you and every member of your family from the oldest to the youngest ones. There are courses for adults and others for kids. Those courses are as follows: 

Quran recitation – Quran Reading – Quran with Tajweed – Tafseer (Quran meaning and explanation) – Quran Memorization – Quran with Ijazah – Ten Qir’at Course

Islamic studies – Arabic courses and Grammar – Arabic Reading

So whatever you wish to learn you will get simply and easily.

Learn Quran Online with ElSabah Center!

As we said online platforms are various and many, therefore, you need to learn the best for you and your kids. Our platform is one of the best to learn Quran online, we, in ElSabah Center, are glad to let you know more about our courses and how to enrol without being worried about the fees because we have many plans to suit everyone’s budget and schedule. Let’s get started!

We offer Quran and Arabic courses for Adults and Kids with expert and native tutors who have Ijazah and professional qualifications to teach and deal well with you. 

Quran courses are numerous to suit your level, your needs, and requirements. Quran courses for kids are also designed with fun and enjoyable methods through colourful materials to make the kid relate to the Quran and love it. 

As a non-Arabic speaker, you can start with Quran Reading Course with Tajweed for Beginners, and then you will be able to read well and improve your recitation over time. In this course, you will learn the basic Arabic alphabet that enables you to read Quran, basic Tajweed rules, and Quranic printing and stop rules. Hurry up and book your course now.    


At last, let me give you a piece of advice, learning Quran online is your step to live peacefully with Quran rules and guidance and when you choose to learn Quran you should give it all your attention and focus from your heart. It is time to decide which platform for non-speaker to go for and which course your need to learn. Wish you happy learning!   

Get a FREE Quran lesson online with a talented teacher

Learn Quran with a native speaker who understands how to teach Quran in an easy and fun way.

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